
xhrCache is a framework-agnostic jSQL plugin that caches AJAX responses, and it's the best one around. It caches ajax responses directly from the underlying native XHR object (or Active X for those of you stuck in 1995). Responses are stored in DOMStorage so they will be persisted between page reloads.


Usage is simple. Just include jSQL.js and jSQL.xhrCache.js in your app. Options are, well, optional. If you want to change them just throw them somewhere in your script.


xhrCache is meant to be dropped into any project and just work. To that end, there are only 2 configurable options: cache expiration time and whether or not to show a fake XHR request in the console when using cached responses.


You can set this to a the number of minutes a cached item is valid for. When any given cached responses is older than this number of minutes the request is made again and a fresh response will be cached. Default is 60.

jSQL.xhrCache.max_age = 60;


When this is set to true, the library will show a fake xhr request in the console for debugging. This is turned on by default.

jSQL.xhrCache.logging = true;